Printable Cards Pack


Good For:

Highly effective icebreakers, deeper connections and increased trust among coworkers, improved goal-setting and alignment, more engaged and efficient meetings. 

What is it?

  • Printable PDF deck of all 56 We! Engage Cards, each with an inspiring, thought-provoking quote on one side and a powerful photo on the other, with activities designed to increase group engagement.
  • Printable PDF deck of all 60 We! Connect Cards with questions proven to spark conversation, and build trust and connection

What does it do?

  • Provides a fast-paced, fun, budget friendly way to move beyond “ice breaking” to real connections
  • Offers a suite of activities to cross-pollinate different groups across your organization
  • Makes ideas and conversations in meetings more memorable through the use of imagery

Who is it for?

Teachers, leaders, program directors, facilitators, project directors, facilitators, and anyone who wants to increase connections within their community.

What happens if I don’t like it?

If you don’t like it we’ll refund you your money right away. (This might be the only time we won’t ask questions.)