Stop Saying THIS at The End Of Your Presentations

Jun 14, 2022

Nearly every presentation I’ve heard ends this way. It’s not horrific, but it certainly is a horrifically average way to end a presentation. Unknowingly, I used to end many of my presentations in the same way. But I have since discovered a far better way! 

In this week’s video, I’ll share what to avoid along with some tweaks you can make to the end of your presentations to keep the momentum going. It’ll help you garner engagement and end on a high note too.

By the way, while you watch any of my videos, feel free to enjoy and contribute to the comment section below. It’s become a place packed with “Easter eggs” and hidden insights. In fact, I actually took a screenshot of Laya and Mark’s comments on this week’s video and featured them below because they sparked some beautiful conversation. Maybe I’ll continue to share useful comments in the bottom of my emails if y’all enjoy it. 

Thank YOU for thinking, experimenting, and learning alongside me!
Toward real connection—online and off,

Creator of the Connection Toolkit
Co-Founder at We and Me

PSBy the way, if you’ve got particularly dense or “boring” info to present, you might love my other video focused on How To Make Boring Topics More Interesting And Engaging.

PPSI try to respond to as many comments as possible with something that will be meaningful and immediately useful. Laya and Mark, while we haven’t met, I’d like to say thank you for asking your questions and drawing out the practical ideas below. You two may have even started a “thing” with the “ask me anything” featured comments section below.