This week, I’m going to make you do math! Just kidding. Well, sort of. Ok, maybe a little math. The concept of finding your “intersection point” is currently my favorite idea of the year! Admittedly, the very beginning of the video is a pinch slower than...
Nearly every presentation I’ve heard ends this way. It’s not horrific, but it certainly is a horrifically average way to end a presentation. Unknowingly, I used to end many of my presentations in the same way. But I have since discovered a far better way! ...
Not sure if I’ve ever shared this with you, but a few years ago I went on a middle-of-nowhere kayak camping adventure in Maine for 7 days. Heaps and heaps of time for quiet reflection. On that trip, I became crystal clear on why I’m here. On Earth that...
Re: Hybrid…4 Ideas to Make It Better (Part 1) Re: Hybrid…2 Little Live Learnings (Part 2) I want to try something a little bit different with today’s newsletter. Instead of just sending you a video and a few bullet points for you to sit back and watch and...
We tend to aim for bigger. Bigger reach. More revenue. Higher engagement. Increased impact. On and on. But what’s the point of constantly growing if it isn’t improving our lives or the lives of our clients, customers, students, family, loved ones, or whoever we’re...
Laughter is medicine, right? It can connect us. It releases tension. Strengthens our abs. So…how can we inject humor into conversations? “Oh Chad, you don’t understand. I’m sooo, so not funny.” To that, I say “LOL.” ...
What makes a conversation “matter”? Is it the depth of sharing? The topic? Or can you have a meaningful conversation about something as trivial as the brand of toothpaste you use? This week’s video features a quick exercise that is especially...
Your team might be running on fumes, but you can help them pick back up! It’s been a jam-packed couple of years. We’re all tired, we’re worn out, and most of us feel like we’re still having too many meetings. (Psst… check out last week’s video to help make turn...
7 Steps to Transform the Mundane into the Memorable Have you ever pondered, “How can I make bland subjects more appealing?” Recently, a client of mine had to attend an all-day training on a new database system, and the challenge was to make this...
Have you been around kids recently? How many questions did you answer during that time? 300? 400? 1,000? Now think about your own (presumably adult) self. How many questions do you ask in a day? Probably not as many. Maybe a cool dozen. And how many of those questions...