An On-Demand
Digital Workshop
Ask powerful questions experience
Now you can book a workshop with Chad Littlefield anywhere and anytime! Watch the video to learn more about this internet-bending awesomeness.
Ready to spice up your next virtual event or professional development session?
Impact & Results
Ask Smarter Questions
You’ll get instantly useful techniques to ask smarter questions that can transform transactions into meaningful interactions
Concrete Tools
Unlike traditional, boring learning experiences, your group will find this session is both energizing and incredibly practical
Brain-friendly interactive learning
This pre-recorded and on-demand workshop option is both novel and deeply interactive
📗 Note: Depending on your group’s goals and purpose, your attendees may value having a copy of Ask Powerful Questions or a Guided Journal sent to them before the pre-recorded workshop. You can simply add these items to your cart when you purchase your workshop-in-a-box license.
What do you get with this on-demand workshop purchase?
Energizing 60-minute workshop experience that your people won’t groan at
Quick Training Video to equip anybody in your organization to run this workshop anytime, anywhere regardless of experience
Fresh ideas and shared language that will become part of the fabric of your group
Follow-up resources to ensure sustained impact long after the main event
Unlimited use license so you can repurpose anytime anywhere
What’s Included?
Prep and training videos to get ready for your online workshop(s)
Full pre-recorded virtual workshop – all you have to do is screenshare and hit play!
Access to a live implementation call with us to make sure everything goes off without a hitch
Follow-up video series to offset the “curve of forgetfullness” and sustain impact
A world-class interactive learning experience unlike any traditional professional development
PDF with easy step-by-step instructions to get you up and running right away
What Clients Say About This Unique Experience
“It was such a beautiful experience to watch all of their answers pop in the chat, hear them sharing, etc. It exceeded my expectations and we have received such positive feedback. Intentional connection makes all the difference in how we experience our events and programs.”
Heather Wakefield
Senior Director of Program Strategy, Development, and Design
“Chad is so energetic and makes you feel comfortable sharing information—even through video! This pre-recorded workshop was so fresh and engaging. Our group really enjoyed it.
Robyn Murphy
What’s the Investment?
$2997 USD
for an unlimited use license
Unlimited use license quite literally means you’ll have full access to this workshop and supporting materials with as many groups as you would like forever and always.
As you consider this investment in your group, note that we often look at the cost of a book, course, or coach. More rarely do we consider the cost of being in the same exact place 1 year from now.
Can I run this on any platform?
Yes! Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Butter, etc. This experience is designed in a way that all you need to do is screen-share the interactive video, then Chad does the rest of the work setting context and facilitating. Your purchase also includes a short training tutorial video you can watch to see exactly what you need to do to run this experience.
What’s the optimal group size?
Running a session with 12 – 60 people (in each group or breakout) is probably ideal. Although, technically, it can be hosted with as many people in one virtual space as you would like.
Can I do this with breakout rooms?
Yes. As long as you have a moderator in each room who has watched the prep training video, they’ll be ready to go 👍👍 Actually, Chad originally piloted this experience in a virtual conference with 3000 people doing 60 breakout rooms of 50 people each! And it worked swimmingly! In every single room! Read the organizer’s testimonial above.
Can I debrief this experience?
Absolutely! We’re happy to send you some questions that your group may appreciate discussing after the fact if you have time.
How long will my links be “live” for?
As long as the internet exists, so will your access.
The moment you purchase, you’ll be prompted to download a PDF with instructions and the links to the full pre-recorded digital experience.
How much does this cost?
A simple one-time fee of $2997 USD for unlimited access and use of the pre-recorded workshop and all supporting materials.
Who’s leading this on-demand session, anyway?
Chad Littlefield, M.Ed.
Co-founder & Chief Experience Officer
Chad Littlefield is the co-founder and Chief Experience Officer of We and Me (—an organization whose mission is to make connection easy. Leaders and educators call Chad when they want to amplify connection, belonging, and trust in their organization. Forbes calls Chad a “global expert on asking questions that build trust and connection in teams.”
He is a TEDx speaker and creator of the Connection Toolkit, which is now being used to create conversations that matter on campuses and companies in over 80 countries around the world. Chad and his late co-author, Will Wise, wrote Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter, now a #1 Amazon Bestseller. Most recently, Chad launched his brand new, interactive book, How to Make Virtual Engagement Easy.