4 Smart Ways to Measure Events

4 Smart Ways to Measure Events

Hey there, fellow event planners and facilitators! Today, let’s dive into something that often gets overlooked but is crucial for the success of any large group event: measuring the impact of our facilitation efforts. When we invest time, resources, and energy...
How To Gently Eradicate Small Talk

How To Gently Eradicate Small Talk

This is the first video in a series I’m going to be sharing with you showcasing a recent conversation I had with Lisa Fain, the CEO of The Center for Mentoring Excellence. I’m so excited to share all of this with you over the coming weeks!   Lisa...
Best Conversation Starter Cards

Best Conversation Starter Cards

Whether seeking suggestions from an artificial intelligence like ChatGPT or interacting with fellow humans, the power of prompts cannot be understated. The questions we ask and the way we frame them directly impact the responses we receive. This holds true for human...
How to Raise Kids With Technology

How to Raise Kids With Technology

As we wade through the digital era, the age-old question of how to raise children has morphed into a more nuanced discussion: How do we raise kids with technology? This question, brimming with complexities, reflects our collective journey as parents, educators, and...