30-Day Connection Challenge

Nov 15, 2017

Everyday for 30 days, I’m going to be taking on the challenge of sharing a low-fi, one-take video to connect you to an awesome person or idea. I believe there is a disproportionate amount of negative and fear-driven news out in the world. I’m out to infuse the world with a splash of good news by connecting people to people and creating conversations that matter.

Connect with me on LinkedIn where I’ll be sharing the other 29 videos if you’d like to follow along. And feel free to watch Day 1 of 30 below.


And if you want to do your own 30-day Challenge, you can download this brilliantly simple calendar that I’m using from Austin Kleon by clicking the image below.

My intention with this 30-day Connection Challenge is to elevate amazing people doing amazing work that I think might give you some concrete ideas of how to create something amazing in your own world. That’s it. Amazing, right?

For Day 1, I’d love to do a bit of “connection before content.” So, I’m curious to know: what are you passionate (or curious) about right nowLeave your responses in the comments below.

Update: My favorite and most useful/practical video so far has been Day 11 on how to Create a Failure Resume.