Grab X

This method adds so much depth and humanity to a remote/hybrid gathering. If you’re in person, it is very easy to do using We! Engage Cards or a pile of objects/images you bring with you.

Frame It

“As humans, we surround ourselves with objects, items and symbols that mean something to us. To make our conversation more 3D, in a moment I’m going to invite you to select a particular item from your environment to share with the group.”


Grab an object or image that represents ________, and bring it back to share with the group.

Facilitator Note: you can fill in that blank with anything you feel will help connect people to the purpose of meeting while sharing something about who they are as well. Some sample prompts are below, although the best one will come from your own brain. 

Grab an image or object that represents: 

  • A future you would like to create
  • What trust means to you
  • An intention you have for our time together
  • One of the ways you love to spend your time
  • A unique part of who you are
  • Something you care deeply about
  • A great story from your life


✓ Give 30 to 60 seconds for people to leave their seat and retrieve an image or object

✓ Ask them to bring it back, but keep it hidden from others. This simply builds a bit of anticipation.

✓ Invite everybody to show their image or object to the group all at once while also looking around for what they are most curious about.

✓ Offer up anybody the chance to ask somebody else a question based on what they see. Like Curiosity Ping-Pong, you can let this go on for a few minutes. Then you might consider stepping it up with the next activity: Show & Share.

Leadership Tips

✓ As the facilitator, front-loading with a personal example of an object you chose can be a great way to set the tone for other peoples’ responses.

✓ A little bit of urgency and excitement in your voice when you send people off to grab an object can go a long way toward gaining momentum. Consider playing music while folks are searching around too.