7 Things That Awesome Remote Teams Do That You Probably Don’t

Mar 22, 2023

Hey there, awesome leaders and educators!

I’ve got a treat for you—a super-charged video packed with tips to really help boost your remote team’s connection and productivity! But first, let me share a sneak peek of two worthy takeaways from this week’s video:

  1. Kick off your meetings by creating an intentional moment of human connection, even if it’s just for 30 seconds. Connection before content is the secret sauce to transforming your team from human doings into human beings.
  2. Design Content for Contribution: Turn information sharing, report outs, or presentations into an interactive experience by inviting your team’s perspectives. It’s like reaching out your hand and inviting somebody to the party by saying, “Come on in!”

If you carve out a couple minutes to watch this week’s video, you will hit “refresh” on remote by downloading these 7 best practices for remote teams into your brain. 

Get ready to say goodbye to yawn-inducing meetings and hello to a thriving remote team culture!

Until next time, keep connecting—online and off,

Creator of the Connection Toolkit
Co-Founder at We and Me

PS – Want even more suggestions for how to help your remote team build connection? Check out my book How To Make Virtual Engagement Easy. 

It is loaded with mountains of golden nuggets and best practices along with a QR Code to a video summary of each chapter for those of us that are only good at starting books, but not finishing them. 🙋‍♂️

Need more personalized help, training, and support? Check out my work in this area here

How to Make Virtual Engagement Easy Book