Ask Powerful Questions


Did you know Ask Powerful Questions is a #1 Amazon Bestseller? And it is now available on audiobook right here on Audible!

Good For:

Effective communication, Leadership development, Listening skills, Conflict transformation, Trust building, Facilitation training, Fostering empathy

What is it?

A guide to building relationships of trust and fostering meaningful (and sometimes difficult) conversations with co-workers, friends, and family. Each chapter gives you immediately practical tools to use in moments of awkward silence, and leaves you with a framework for developing conversations that matter.

What does it do?

  • Unpacks the complexity of trust and human relationships
  • Provides practical tools to operationalize skills like empathy and deep listening to make conversations more meaningful
  • Improves clear and effective communication
  • Develops “managers” into true leaders

Who is it for?

Every serious leader. Executives, program directors, managers facilitators, team leaders, teachers, instructors, and anyone who wants to increase connections within their community. The majority of the book speaks to those in roles of workplace leadership (e.g., business leaders, team leaders, CEOs, etc.), yet leaders often take many forms (e.g., parents).

What happens if I don’t like it?

If you don’t love this resource, send it back and we’ll refund you your money. Period. (This might be the only time we won’t ask questions.)


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Did you know Ask Powerful Questions is a #1 Amazon Bestseller? And it is now available on audiobook right here on Audible!

What might happen if “small talk” was replaced with conversations that matter?

In their #1 Amazon Bestselling book, Will Wise and Chad Littlefield explain how the questions we traditionally ask are often meaningless when it comes to establishing a connection. Introducing a set of practice tools for understanding others by changing the way we ask questions, Will and Chad show how to transform “How are you?—I’m fine, thanks” into conversations that change not only how you lead, but who you are as a person. Educators, business professionals, personal coaches, and anyone in a position of leadership will relate to the personal successes and failures Will shares. He unpacks the art of asking questions that lay the foundation for trust, psychological safety, productivity, and impact. Chad complements Will’s personal stories and examples with fascinating facts and nuances in neuroscience behind the art of asking. Together, the art of asking and science behind it join to create a simple and powerful framework for leaders to build a culture of connection.

What will I get?

  • 318-page, paperback copy of Ask Powerful Questions
  • Author: Will Wise and Chad Littlefield co-founders of We and Me, Inc.
  • Step-by-step guide to build trust and equip you and your team with the skills required to ask powerfully
  • Personalized video series from the author with behind the scenes, exclusive content

Unboxing Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter

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