What do you think is more important? To be interested—or to be interesting? You can actually answer that and see everyone else’s response right here. My answer to this question in today’s video might surprise you. I hope you choose to spend 7 minutes and 51...
At this point, we’re all (perhaps a bit too) familiar with virtual meetings. Your team is quite possibly burned out by them. They might even feel like they’re going to pull their hair out if they get. One. More. Calendar. Invite! But you can hit “refresh”...
One of the smartest people I know, Matt Church, said this to me once, and frankly, it stopped me in my tracks. Third option? What third option? What did this mean, and how was I supposed to use this idea to stretch my comfort zone and find the middle? Right now, we’re...
The world is hybrid. No matter how we feel about, virtual is never going to go away completely. And this isn’t all COVID related. Our shift to a blended world certainly sped over the last couple of years, but the world has been heading this way for a good...
Silence doesn’t have to be awkward. Used wisely, it can actually be one of the most useful tools in our communication toolbox. Using just silence, you can change the tone and narrative of the conversation. Silence has the power to quite literally change what...
Sometimes you have to engage with a group of people that simply doesn’t want to be there. Maybe they’re at the end of a long week. Maybe the session is mandatory and they don’t yet see the value or purpose. Maybe they’re just simply cranky...
The world is a big and blended soup of hybrid, face-to-face and remote interaction right now. Today’s video will give you 7 great strategies to connect and engage an in-person group. I’m writing this to you just 24 hours after giving the opening keynote...
Interviewer: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Interviewee: “Sitting in your seat asking a better interview question.” In today’s video, I break down three different types of questions, so that you can ask the right question at...
How Do You Conduct Effective Meetings? There is almost nothing that’s more frustrating than meetings that go off the rails. Whether it’s your boss or a colleague who goes down a rabbit hole and derails the entire meeting, it can be a huge waste of time and...
Virtual platforms have taken over the world! And because of this, establishing connections with other people can be tricky, so I compiled all of the answers to your questions in this Art of Remote Connection Masterclass! You can learn everything you need to know just...