7 Steps to Transform the Mundane into the Memorable Have you ever pondered, “How can I make bland subjects more appealing?” Recently, a client of mine had to attend an all-day training on a new database system, and the challenge was to make this...
At this point, we’re all (perhaps a bit too) familiar with virtual meetings. Your team is quite possibly burned out by them. They might even feel like they’re going to pull their hair out if they get. One. More. Calendar. Invite! But you can hit “refresh”...
How to Make Your PowerPoint Presentation More Interactive Hey there, it’s Chad Littlefield, and in this video, I’m going to share some techniques to make your PowerPoint presentations more interactive. I hope to kill the phrase “death by...
The Power of Connection Before Content I’ve stumbled on a new activity that you’re going to love. This activity is perfect for groups that tend to be a little bit more shy or logical. Instead of just describing the activity, I’m going to show you...
Virtual platforms have taken over the world! And because of this, establishing connections with other people can be tricky, so I compiled all of the answers to your questions in this Art of Remote Connection Masterclass! You can learn everything you need to know just...
I’m here to give you a little mini masterclass in what skills you need to be a facilitator. I actually used to teach 2 facilitation courses at Penn State University. One was a team development and leadership development facilitation course and another was a...
I haven’t used Microsoft word in a while but when I used to use it about 10 years ago, I typed the word facilitate and I right-clicked on it and a little drop-down menu showed up with a bunch of synonyms. And one of the synonyms is still to this day my...
Meeting has begun. But the question is “How do you lead a meeting effectively?” This is the 79th video that I’ve recorded on how to make virtual and in-person engagement and connection really easy. A lot of my videos go really in depth into different...