How To Respond To Negative Feedback At Work

How To Respond To Negative Feedback At Work

It may be difficult to accept negative criticism about your work. That’s why it’s important to know how to handle this properly! Watch this video to pick up some things to remember on how to respond to negative feedback at work! In case you don’t have time...
How To Create A Sense Of Belonging At Work

How To Create A Sense Of Belonging At Work

Do you feel like you belong at your workplace? Or is there an unwelcoming atmosphere that you want to get rid of? Watch this video to deter that feeling by learning how to create a sense of belonging at work! In case you don’t have time for the full video, below are...
How To Stop Being Boring

How To Stop Being Boring

Do you want to know how to stop being boring? Whether you’re just curious as an individual or you’re a presenter who wants to keep your audience interested, watch this video to find out what you can do to keep people from being bored! In case you don’t...
How To Give Positive Feedback To A Colleague

How To Give Positive Feedback To A Colleague

Do you often give feedback to your colleagues? This can really mean a lot to someone and can greatly affect the way they feel about their work. Find out how to give positive feedback to a colleague by watching this video! In case you don’t have time for the full...
How To Improve Relationships At Work

How To Improve Relationships At Work

How are your relationships with your workmates? Do you think they need a bit more development? If you want to make more meaningful connections, then just watch this video to learn how to improve relationships at work! In case you don’t have time for the full video,...
How Can I Teach 21st Century Skills

How Can I Teach 21st Century Skills

Are you thinking, “How can I teach 21st-century skills?” You can’t simply teach this using a PowerPoint presentation! In this video, I’ll show you a few activities you can facilitate to easily teach these modern skills! In case you don’t have...
How To Manage Conflict In Virtual Teams

How To Manage Conflict In Virtual Teams

Does your team often have disagreements? Are you wondering how to handle this kind of situation? Learn more about how to manage conflict in virtual teams by watching this video! In case you don’t have time for the full video, below are some key moments you can jump...
How To Make A Presentation More Interactive

How To Make A Presentation More Interactive

While presentations are great for transmitting information, they can also be really boring. Let your audience do more than just staring at their screens! Watch this video and learn some ways on how to make a presentation more interactive! In case you don’t have time...