Ask Us Anything

An Ask Me Anything is a much loved format in many contexts. This exercise puts a spin on this traditional format to invite even more connection and contribution. It’s a bit more like an AUA or “Ask Us Anything.”

Frame It

“Rewind the tape and think about the last handful of experiences we’ve shared together. This exercise is intended to reflect and debrief that while also looking toward the future.”


Invite the audience to come up with a question rooted in their own natural, genuine curiosity based on the previous experience(s). Our intention will be to start a discussion acknowledging the group’s most pressing questions.


✓ Whether you have a question top of mind or not, you have 30 seconds to turn on your curiosity and come up with one.

✓ Write your question down either on paper or in the chat—but don’t press enter.

✓ In 3…2..1…hit enter and read through everybody else’s questions. Then turn on your CAPS LOCK and re-type a question or a theme that you see showing up.

✓ When in-person, you may simply invite everyone to form groups and share their question with the aim of combining their questions into one “mega question” to be discussed and answered by all.

Leadership Tips

✓ Now that you’ve harvested the collective curiosity in the group, consider splitting the group into breakouts to answer their own question(s) before you chime in.

✓ Group genius usually is more compelling than individual intellect. Even if you have a fantastic response to a question, hold it in. Invite the contribution from attendees before you become a sage-on-the-stage.