Art of connection
Spark engagement and make your event come alive with our collaborative connection mural
Make your conference or event stand out from the crowd.
We’ll setup and facilitate the Art of Connection experience from start to finish.
No extra work on your end.
Engagement and connection that transforms ideas into actions that day.
Visualize the connections your conference, summit, or event creates
Build lasting connections between attendees
Strengthen the culture of your event to keep people coming back
Create a truly interactive experience for attendees
Interactive challenge cards spark more conscious engagement
Thoughtful, fun challenges that people won’t groan at.
Build a we-focused culture at your event.
Engagement and connection that transform ideas into actions that day.
How does it work? Attendees simply…
Choose a challenge card

Color in a section on the mural

Complete the action

Action cards are thoughtfully colored coded, and you can…

…customize the mural with your message, theme, or #hashtag
Interested in bringing the Art of Connection to your event?
We’ll respond within 48 hours.