Impact of We! Connect Card Conversations

Mar 31, 2023

This is really, really fun.

Last week, I asked a few hundred people, “Approximately, how many unique conversations have been started using your “We! Connect Cards?” THEN…

I asked…asked #ChatGPT to summarize their responses to the following question in a TL;DR bulletted list: “What specific impact or outcomes have resulted from those conversations?”

And here is what came back!

🌟 Aha moments and new insights about colleagues

👥 Deeper #connections and #relationships among coworkers

❄️ Effective #icebreakers for various settings

🏫 Improved classroom cohesion and #psychologicalsafety

🤝 Increased #trust and understanding among team members

🌍 Enhanced cross-cultural connections and empathy

💬 More engaging and meaningful conversations

😊 Happier, more comfortable, and connected participants

🎯 Greater connection and familiarity within groups and meetings

💼 Stronger #teams with deeper relationships

The most fun part of all is that, on average, a deck of We! Connect Cards created 53 unique conversations per deck. And with 100,000+ decks sold around the world…THAT means these little questions below have sparked over 5 MILLION conversations that never otherwise would have happened. We’ve talked our way right into tomorrow!

Thanks to all the brilliant folks that helped me shape this deck and these questions!