The #Distance crew just had a virtual table ft. Scott Stein! So, so many nuggets and gems came from each of us peppering him with questions. Here are my “9 Nuggets from Faraway Distant Lands.” Thought it may be useful to have my takeaways typed up and shared here for everyone even if they are a bit out of context.
- A powerful question to ask a client when pitching larger programs: “How big of a pain is this for you on a scale of 1-10? 1 being ‘we can deal with this in 5 years and 10 being ‘this is a huge, current issue I’d love to solve.”
space - Help clients. Don’t sell to them. In the process of clicking (and delivering), help them tell their story. Position THEM.
space - Most impactful action to launch a cluster quickly: Re-tap, Re-kindle, and Re-mind Old Clients you exist, share what you are up to know (perhaps by asking them related questions instead of shoving info down their throats). Forget about LinkedIn marketing funnels if you are still climbing belts. Reconnect with people who already are bought into who you are.
space - Best two places to invest money back into your practice: (1) yourself and (2) projects you are excited about (e.g., better design on your programs/IP, better video quality/editing)
space - Positioning is a long game! Not a few fleeting social media posts about your cluster.
space - Get raving fans to position you instead of only trying to position yourself.
- How to sell BIG packages and make it easy for people to buy? Break it into STAGES. Stage 1 might just be “the first 90 days” with a kickass training to one-to-one follow up sessions.
space - From Col: help your clients raise their profile/positioning within industry AND internally perhaps by paying extra to get dynamite video snapshots edited for your program to gift back to your clients (who will likely share like the wind)
space - Be easy to buy! And one way to do this is tune straight into current market needs (e.g., downtown economy, big upcoming changes, etc. etc.)